Top Shelf Charters specializes in fishing Lake Michigan King
Salmon, Coho Salmon, Steelhead, Brown Trout and Lake Trout in Grand Haven!

Top Shelf Charters is a fulltime guide service, fishing
7 days a week.
The boat Black Label is operated by Captain Kirk Heilman who
has many years of fishing experience for King (Chinook) Salmon,
Coho Salmon, Steelhead, Brown Trout and Lake Trout on Lake Michigan.
Captain Kirk uses his countless hours of research, latest electronics
and ample tackle to put you on the fish and help you land that
trophy fish of a lifetime.
Captain Kirk starts fishing in May and fishes until mid October.
You'll fish for Chinook (King) Salmon, Coho Salmon, Steelhead,
Lake Trout and Brown Trout out of Grand
Haven, Michigan well known in the Great Lakes region
for outstanding big game fishing. |
on out and enjoy a day on the water with Captain Kirk!
BOOK NOW - as prime dates are filling up fast.